The Conversations Project

We are committed to bringing attention to a decades old inclusive radical feminist tradition through inspiring informed critical discourse rooted in an intersectional trans and radical feminist perspective.

This is accomplished through the Project’s community group, quarterly journal, interviews as well as the publication of a book-length collection of collaborative essays from radical feminist John Stoltenberg and trans feminist Cristan Williams.

I n the groundbreaking 1973 book Radical Feminism, the book's co-editor Anne Koedt defined radical feminism as, "the advocacy of the total elimination of sex roles." She went on to define a radical feminist as, "one who believes in this and works politically toward that end." Koedt added the following caveat: "She does not by this definition live a life untouched by sex roles; there are no 'liberated' women in that sense." We hope to center our conversations on the what it means to be a trans, intersex, or allied individual who works toward the total elimination of sex roles, stereotypes, and hierarchies. Ultimately, these conversations are an investment in our shared commitment to liberation: an end to sexism. We therefore hope our Project will inspire conversations within feminist communities about our intersecting language, histories, and experience. Subscribe to The Conversations Project here




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February 7, 2016

Pt. 5, Radical Epistemology: Applications of Sex Class and Sex Caste Consciousness

Trans feminist Cristan Williams responds to radical feminist John Stoltenberg‘s commentary on the practice of sex pedagogy, reviewing the application of “sex class” consciousness, as expressed by Andrea […]
March 14, 2016

Pt. 6, The Fork in the Road: Sex Class Consciousness vs Biologism, Essentialism, and Identity

Radical feminist John Stoltenberg responds to trans feminist Cristan Williams‘ commentary on feminist sex class and sex caste epistemology, considers peer tautologies and class analysis of Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon. Stoltenberg […]
February 1, 2016

Sex Essentialist Violence And Radical Inclusion: An Interview With Robin Tyler, Jan Osborn, and Michele Kammerer

Pioneering Lesbian radical feminist women’s music producer, festival organizer, and entertainer, Robin Tyler discusses violence directed at her by sex essentialists within the women’s movement. Discussed […]
February 15, 2016

Sex Essentialist Violence And Radical Inclusion: An Interview With Sandy Stone

Sandy Stone, author of the queer-studies classic, The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto, recounts her experiace with a trans-inclusive radical feminist Lesbian separatist tradition, as […]